Sunday, June 5, 2011

Where there is life, there is hope.

Today marks a new day, and each day brings new perspective.

Where there is life, there is hope. The only thing I can do is love her well, while she's here.

Or as my dad says, "Do what you can, forget the rest."

I don't really know how to smoothly transition to this. It has been on my mind for a while, so I thought I would share.

Last summer, a good friend from Redlands came to stay with us. He was in town to photograph a wedding.

A little back story about our friends from Redlands: most of us were displaced. I found that very few people were indigenous to Southern California; immediate families were elsewhere. Setting down roots took more effort, so in turn it made our friends closer.

Contrast that to West Michigan, where roots extend far. It is not uncommon to hear of third and fourth generations going to the same Christian school. I remember one of the first things someone told me when I came to Caledonia CRC, "Be careful what you say, and to whom. Everyone is related."

We were really excited for Mark's visit, and catching up on the happenings at Redlands Christian School.

Late one evening, it was just Josh, Mark, and I sitting around the table recounting old stories. I could tell Josh was nostalgic, as California will always be his home.

Those people became our family.

A few weeks ago, Josh forwarded me an e-mail sent out from that group of friends. Mark and Jill's 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer.

I cried out to God, why? Why do you keep doing this to our children?

I am not sure I will ever understand it.

Pain can't really be compared, only experienced, so I can't say I know exactly what they are going through.

Some parts I understand- the endless waiting for answers, the shuffling of siblings, the uncertainty.

Please keep our friend, Mark and Jill, and their entire family in your prayers as well.

Maddie's Carepage:

Thank you for all your prayers,comments, and e-mails of encouragement. It keeps me going on days like yesterday.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm so glad your dad gave you that wise advice...maybe I think it's wise, because it is what I wanted to write...but didn't because I don't really even know you and thought it might not sound so great coming from a stranger. (I am Jeff and Shonna's aunt.) I so looked forward to all the things my first daughter and I would do together in the future...and then God took her to heaven shortly before she turned three years old. You have her now...your baby enjoy her and love her each new day. I really like the name you have chosen for her, but I also enjoyed praying daily (and nightly, too) for baby Bird. I thought that was so cute! I'm so glad you are feeling "better" today, but please know that all of the feelings you are going through are normal, and I think just serve to bring you to a better understanding of God and of how much he loves you, your baby Bird, and many others he wants to bring to himself, too. He may be using you to do that.