Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weekend Update

The last few days have been...rough.

OHSS did not care that it was my birthday. She reared her ugly head, leaving me bedridden most of the weekend. It culminated Saturday night with violent vomiting for hours on end.

We took a trip this morning to Rochester Hills to see Dr. S- he gave me an IV of Zofran and some additional tablets to take home. He also checked my ovaries- they are both around 8.5 cms, so about the size of softballs. No wonder I have been so sick.

Thankfully, I feel much better tonight. In the last four days, I have eaten two slices of bread and a half of small McDonald's fry. Tonight, I actually ate a whole bowl of scrambled eggs and feel a lot better!

Looking forward to my "abnormal" report and how many made it to freeze, which should come Monday or Tuesday.

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