Tuesday, November 9, 2010

OHSS risk

I was super worried I would not have eggs.

Good Lord, I have eggs.

Around 20 in each ovary.

Which seems like it would be a good thing, right? Just the opposite.

The short of it is that we probably will be out this month, which is terribly disappointing. I run the risk of OHSS, a life threatening condition.

Josh and I are still trying to decide if we are going to try and retrieve these eggs for freezing, or start over in January. With this many eggs, the quality can be really poor.

Tomorrow's E2 numbers and Thursday's ultrasound might help me decide where to go from here. The biggest disappointment is thinking of freezing. Transferring 2 fresh embryos have a success rate of around 70%. With a FET, the success rate goes down to 40%. This is not even counting all the people I know whose embryos have not made the thaw.

So disappointed, honestly.

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