Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm here

Early start to the morning yesterday. We got to Rochester hills and I did not start getting nervous until I had to put the surgical hat and booties on. The egg collection itself did not take that long- around a half hour. It then took me about two hours to get the pain management under control and for my mind to wake up.

They popped 25 follicles and retrieved 18 eggs. As I was being wheeled to my car, I threw up. Back to the room I went. I then got a shot for nausea that hurt because of the placement in my leg. The car ride home was not fun--at all.

Last night, I felt pretty miserable, and kept telling Josh that I never want to do that again.

Thank God for my mom- who had the boys overnight again and came to take care of me today.

The good news is that 17 fertilized, so I am hoping that they thaw well and continue growing.

I guess if I am to get Ohss, it will come tomorrow. Hoping and praying that stays away and the pain doesn't get any worse. Who knows? Maybe this is like giving birth- you forget how painful it is OR maybe next time I won't have so many eggs so it won't be an issue.

January 14 is the first available hopefully I will make it!

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