Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We seem to be going backwards.

Tessa used to have endurance for days before needing to go back on CPAP.

This time she made it less than 24 hours.


She hates CPAP, so I wish she would hurry up and breathe so we could be finished already.

At her 2pm feeding, I was holding her upright against my chest. I noticed a little milk in her mouth, so I tipped her back to see if she was choking.

She started puking all over me.

At her next two feedings, she did the same thing.

Not sure why, but she has not done it before today.

Actually, I think I might know why. When they restarted feeds on Sunday, she only got 5ml every three hours. She is now up to 40mls every three. That is quite a huge jump in 9 days time.

I am praying she tolerates it better from now on.

She had a big belly again this morning- it went up 4.5 cm, which is a lot for a little peanut. The scale on her bed must not be working well either, because they weighed her this afternoon and she was up 7 ounces.

Overall, she had a very "off" day.

I ended up staying with her until around 8pm, then coming home to put the boys to bed. Bryce was already asleep, so Kayden and I ate a Tombstone pizza in bed together, complete with Cokes. Talk about lack of discipline these days, huh?

Josh decided to spend the night with her. If he looks a little groggy tomorrow morning, now you know.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28.

1 comment:

Simply Lovely Gifts said...

Hey Jamie! Sounds like yesterday was a rough day - hate to hear that. Did have a thought on the spitting up - could reflux be kicking in? It often does at the 6 week mark which is right where Tessa is. If it was shortly after her feedings there's a good chance. Hope this helps & hope today is a 2 steps forward kind of day!! Leslie