Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself lately.

The year long journey, with still-aching empty arms. My goal last year was to be pregnant by Christmas of this year, and it sucks to know that won't happen.

Tonight, I was talking to one of my vendor's and got some much needed perspective. Her 6 month old died very unexpectedly this past March.

I asked her how her holidays were going, and how her quest for new life has been. She is also on the war path to conceive.

"Pretty darn shitty" was her response.

No, I do not have a baby. I did not have the joy of seeing two pink lines, hearing that first heartbeat, the wonderful whoosh-whoosh sound, first ultrasound, naming, holding, etc....but I did not have the heartache of burying a 6 month old, either.

Her womb is empty. Her crib is empty. The clothes and blankets from her son are still in her laundry room. This is her first of many Christmas seasons without him.

Someone always has it worse than you do, and it absolutely breaks my heart.

Amazing how praying and storming the gates of heaven for someone else can change your whole perspective.

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