Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am Obsessing

I am not really even sure where it started. I think it was when I was talking to my mom about hormone replacement therapy, and the fact that we are using the same hormones right now. Her, to prevent hot flashes. Me, to prepare my lining for a potential pregnancy.

Then I remembered something about how progesterone and estrogen are linked to an increase in breast cancer.

I have been obsessing ever since. Looking at every article I can find. Studies show there is not a link, but story after story from people that went through IVF and subsequently developed breast cancer has me worried.

I am not sure if it is because pregnancy, in general, makes your hormones go completely out of whack and that causes the tumors to grow. OR, if it is because of the artificial hormones required to simulate pregnancy.

It just has me worried.

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